This specific page of the site is intended to represent the site how it appears in-universe. Other pages can be considered OOC lore.

Jobs in the Angel Program vary from combat specialists to health care providers depending on which direction your pneumatica powers lean towards. Our technically advanced force employs communications technicians, vehicle technicians and geomatic technicians, as well as infantry soldiers, gunners and vehicle crew members. You will undergo training similar to real operations that will challenge your mental and physical abilities.
Defend against the Tzara threat
Be a part of a strong community of likeminded individuals
Become part of our history

Archal is a diverse facility that offers a world of opportunities for both professionals and graduates. You can expect world-class training, the flexibility to realize your full potential and a reward and benefits package that we believe is second-to-none. The Angel Program is not the only option for those looking for a career on Archal.
mission statement
STATION ARCHAL is a private research and military space station facility designed to combat the threat of the "Tzara", a ravenous alien threat that appeared thirty years ago. The way Archal is set up is intended to provide comfort and safety to our employees while also being our first line of defense against the attacking Tzara.Our facility hosts a variety of state of the art technology and functions to make sure that this isn't just a work facility, but a comfortable home as well. The station is about the size of a small town, being the largest space station in existence.
Advanced holoproject systems
Top-of-the-line pneumatica systems
Areas of nature and botanical gardens combined with simulated skies
Full range of K-12 education for families and their children, as well as postsecondary institutions

Sense of community is strong within Archal. Whether it is close knit groups of families living on the station, or 100% financial compensation for moving and relocation, you can rest assured you will feel welcome and taken care of within Archal.Healthy living plays a major role in the life of an employee or Angel soldier. With resources for nutrition, physical and mental fitness, physiotherapists and sports medicine specialists, and stress management programs, the stars are the limit when it comes to a healthy and active lifestyle on Archal.
The Angels are the outer space component of the Chorion Armed Forces. We train and provide forces to protect and defend Claudin. Our personnel, working in 7 different CLASSes, are our greatest resource. We are a highly capable force consisting of full-time Regular F CLASS Angels, part-time Reservists serving in our communities and Angel Rangers from remote locations all over Claudin.

Start at 390,000 cells after training
Start at 10,000 cells per day as a Reservist
Apply for S, A, B, C, D, E, or F CLASS
gender diversity
Chorion is a world leader in terms of the proportion of women and LGBTQ+ members in its military, and the areas in which they can serve. Among their allies, Station Archal is highly regarded as being at the forefront of military gender integration.Women can enroll in any Archal occupation, which includes operational trades, and serve in any environment. In all trades, Archal men and women are selected for training, promotions, postings and all career opportunities in exactly the same way - based on rank, qualifications, pneumatica resistance, and merit.

This server and it's lore has been developed collaboratively over the past several months with the help of our mods, and we sincerely hope that this page can help clear up anything that's confusing or obtuse. I'd like to also add that some elements are intentionally left unclear for future events and plot threads, so feel free to theorize about things! However, if a term keeps getting thrown around that you don't recognize and it's not included on this page, please don't hesitate to ask the mods for help.
NPCs and characters
Fictional substances/materials
World info
Teasers for future plans

The images included on this page are either drawn by @peachdelta, or can be found on the interior/exterior insp Pinterest board here. I made sure none of the images on that board that I use on this site are without sources, so feel free to follow the links on that board.Please consider everything on this page OOC. Your muses aren't able to access this section of the site.

AGE: 22
HEIGHT: 5'2 (5'4 with the roller skates)
Malkhut is the first Sefirot to speak with you all upon being thrown into the station. She's rather laissez-faire, relaxed to the point where she almost comes off insensitive and irresponsible. Despite this, she does her best to help you all out and make sure everything is running smoothly, as well as being the go-to for Sundown visitors applying to the Angel Program. Even if she's a bit of a tease, she means well. She says she used to be a livestreamer personality before becoming one of the Sefirot, but she clearly still streams on a regular basis.She usually can be found skating around the station on her rollerskates that she almost never takes off, having remarkable control and balance on those damn things.

AGE: 28
HEIGHT: 5'10
Hod is a difficult women to read, as she speaks with her voice wrapped with an entertained tone- regardless of what the situation is. She's never one to raise her voice or speak with a nasty manner, but that does not stop her occasional bluntness, and nosy comments. She's a bit of a tease towards the other Sefirot, and keeps contact with lower members limited. She's not one to often communicate much with people she dislikes, after all. It's hard to tell if she even likes the other Sefirot, in all honesty.

AGE: Younger than Malkhut, presumably?
The youngest of the Sefirot and the newest member in their ranks, Tiferet is known for being kind of... creepy, to put it simply. They have an intense interest in things that others would consider scary or horrific. To put things kindly, they're a very passionate, uh... "theologist". Let's put it that way. Despite this, they're not cruel or vindictive, just very odd, but can be extremely charismatic if they need to be, along with having very good leadership skills- that's why they ended up on the Sefirot in the first place, don't'cha know.

AGE: ???
HEIGHT: ??? ( always wears heels to make herself taller? )
Cold, calculating, and one of the most dramatic of the Sefirot. She values personal time and self image above anything else, and often is quick to anger when the peace and calm of the Station is disrupted. She seems to only speak to those that interest her, and holds little interest in interacting with any of the other staff beyond the Sefirot.

AGE: 48
HEIGHT: 5'11
Hokhmah is the least patient individual compared to the other Sefirot. She sees most of the inhabitants of Archal as lowly and considers them nuisances. She takes her work as a Sefirot seriously, perhaps to an exaggerating extent. She's a busy woman, crowding her schedule with responsibilities and jobs. Whatever small interactions she may have with lower classes and citizens, it will be short and rude from her end. More than anything, she despises wasting time.

AGE: ???
No information available.
The Sefirot director’s committee is a group of people who have complete control on Station Archal and pass the major decisions between them. To prevent bias from other employees (re: brownnosing) most of the Sefirot are not open about their position on the committee, and only communicate to their subordinates through online messages and highly trusted messengers.The grand majority of the Sefirot are equals to each other, but Keter possesses the highest authority. Keter cannot make any new decisions on their own, but can veto decisions at their discretion. Along with this, Malkhut is the lowest Sefirot, being the one to pass on decisions and make announcements to the rest of the station.

AGE: 25
Perhaps the odd thumb of the Sefirot, Yesod hardly seems to do his job. Falling asleep in meetings, sticking to his own. You'll often find him in the library, if you're able to find him hidden amongst the stacks of books that often surround him there. Despite his foul language and seeming temper, he's extremely empathetic towards the Sundown visitors. Yesod is extremely knowledgeable on the stories and folklore of the world beyond the Station...Perhaps more than he should be.

AGE: 30-50
Netzach is simply a foreboding presence within the Sefirot, lining his speech with a bit of poeticism to keep things interesting- even then, though, it's clear that he is genuine with his words. Netzach also believes strongly in the strength of others, and simply would not accept when someone gives up without trying with all their will. He may push people to the limits but he knows they will prevail, one way or another.

AGE: Between 30-50
Gevurah is a vocal man, always hopping between this channel here and that channel there, seemingly never content to quiet down. While not as relaxed, it's difficult to describe his tone as anything more than casual; he makes no effort to hide the way he speaks from the way he texts, distinctly accented and cheerfully polite. He is kind and jovial, yet strict at the same time, ensuring no one misconstrues his intentions or thoughts on the matter.Despite his demeanor, he takes his job very seriously, and will often object to anyone telling him otherwise.

AGE: 30-50
A mysterious, reclusive man, Da'at keeps to himself for the most part as his priorities rely on the pursuit of knowledge- what is known, however, is that he is curious, and any presented opportunity will not go unnoticed. Order comes first and foremost in his eyes, and the way he goes about such things can cause disagreements, though he doesn't mean to cause such a stir. Da'at takes his business quite seriously and appears a bit colder as a result.

AGE: ???
No information available.

Angels are genetically modified supersoldiers who help combat the Tzara threat. They vary in classes depending on something called "pneumatica resistance", which is how much pneumatica their body can take without getting sick. Those with higher resistance often get a higher class, getting more pneumatica in their bodies, which gives them a variety of perks, including the ability to breathe in space, various magic attacks, and flight. Angels range wildly in age, from thirteen all the way up to fifty, though those under age eighteen will have limited responsibilities, even more so for those under age fifteen.
S CLASS Angels are Angels chosen for their exemplary results in physical strength and pneumatica resistance, succeeding far beyond their fellow applicants. Exemplary is the keyword here- someone who's just "great" probably won't become an S CLASS. They have to be "amazing".S CLASSes typically tend to be... strange, to put it simply- when you're up in the clouds so far away from everyone else, it's not uncommon to forget what the ground looks like. They range from extremely religious, to wildly arrogant and self centered, to detached and disinterested. S CLASS Angels aren't malicious, mind you, just strange compared to the lower ranks. They're all assigned a B CLASS Angel to work with them and make sure things don't get too crazy.
AGE: 19
PRONOUNS: Whatever
USERNAME: "cacoethes"
Archal App here.
A young, outwardly confident soldier, Sabriel presents himself with an air of knowledge and pride; acutely aware of his strength and the work it takes to maintain it, he appears meticulous to most people, spending time ensuring that everything is set up according to protocol. He is theatrical in a sense, often using sweeping gestures along with grandiose speech, which often switches from short and blunt to long diatribes filled with anecdotal details that, really, do nothing more than inflate the amount of words used to express the same point. This tends to depend on who he’s talking to, and his preferential speaking style for people switches on a seemingly random basis depending on what he feels is more or less appropriate at the time. His assigned B CLASS Angel is named Ophaniel. The two are friends, kind of.
AGE: 21
USERNAME: "hera"
Uriel is a very devoted Angel and extremely religious, believing that she is a servant of God and her Angel duties are a part of that. She's extremely pious to the point of putting others down, generally very overzealous about her religion- not in the sense that she's necessarily trying to convert others, just jabbing at them if she believes they're not as devoted as she is (or worse, if they're not religious at all!) and that can lead to some definite points of contention in conversation.
AGE: Early 20s
Being the former star of a renowned theatre troupe within Claudin, Lailah is known for his agility and eccentric nature within battle. While graceful, he's strong with blades, and was recruited from his performance fights alone. He's a bit self-centered, and quick to pick fights to get back in the light. But...he's still more down to earth in most contexts. Key word: "most". When he's around the other Angels... good luck.
AGE: 21
Michael is nice and courteous, but the one thing he absolutely is not and never will be is humble. He is wildly self-centered, believing he is God's gift to man and constantly building himself up and complimenting himself at any turn he takes, so comedically vain that you'd assume he was joking if he wasn't also so fragile. Insulting him once can cause him to burst into tears, though sometimes he won't even process something as an insult and will interpret it as a compliment instead. However, even if he does start crying, he can recover in a matter of moments, wildly oscillating between defensive sniffling and stroking his own sun-sized ego to the point where it's almost hard to keep up. Despite all of this, even if he's incredibly vain, he never makes a point to put others down if they haven't been mean to him first- he's surprisingly encouraging and will try to help others be the absolute best they can be... if only because he thinks others "deserve to be as close to him in perfection as possible".
AGE: 25
PRONOUNS: HE / SHE / whatever
USERNAME: "as above"
Archal App here.
Seraphiel is eerie. It’s not as though he’s unpleasant- really, it’s quite the opposite- but everything he says is held with an air of dignity and grace that feels far more distant than it should. He is incredibly polite, though whether or not that politeness is simply putting on airs for everyone else... that's difficult to tell. He speaks in long tirades and metaphors, obscuring the truth of his words behind statements lacking in brevity, and yet everything is said so softly that it sounds more like a murmur. Everything is elegant, and yet drawn out, as he speaks rather slowly, with long trails from one sentence to another… everything is thought out, and yet, nothing feels particularly scripted. This is not necessarily how he acts in battle, however, where his actions and demeanor both differ. Though every action is deliberate and he has excellent poise, all this grace manifests as total calmness, whether it be a mere training match or piercing through an enemy, wiping their disgusting blood from his weapons, or gingerly flicking away bits of shredded meat that land on his hands, granting everything the same amount of respect.
AGE: 24
USERNAME: "stygian"
Metatron is an extremely powerful S CLASS Angel assigned not just one B CLASS, but two. He tends to respond to conversations with short affirmations or disagreements, not having a whole lot to contribute if it’s not something that concerns him, but he's a bit more open and verbose over text. He tends to loom a bit, so others tend to give him a wide berth. Just based on his appearance alone, he’s intimidating. He kind of gives off the impression of a killer robot if he’s wearing his helmet, being able to scare most F-CLASS Angels easily. He is also incredibly physically strong. Metatron is an incredibly skilled swordsman, and it goes without saying that the level of control and power behind each swing can potentially be fatal if you’re caught unawares.

(placeholder img)

(placeholder img)

A CLASS Angels are Angels chosen for either being great but not quite good enough for S, or for their exemplary leadership skills and high marks in the strategizing section of the application test. Most of them tend to be a bit more grounded in reality than S CLASSes... keyword "most". Everyone has the capability to be eccentric, after all. A CLASS Angels will often command and manage a team of lower CLASS Angels, typically a team primarily composed of F CLASSes with a few other types like D or C thrown in there to help coordinate things. The average team for an A CLASS is 7-10 F CLASSes, 2 D CLASSes, and 1 C CLASS, though this can vary dramatically. An A CLASS is responsible for making sure their assigned team is doing well both in terms of their training and in terms of their mental health. It's not uncommon for A CLASSes to be older, taking on a half commander role, half teacher role for those under them. Of course, this is optional!Blood warning in one of the approaching references.
AGE: 39
PRONOUNS: HE / HIM but like ehhhhh
HEIGHT: 6'2, 6'4 with the heels
USERNAME: "citadel"
One of the longest serving Angels, Raphael is a warm face and friendly personality aboard Station Archal, a man to go to for the newcomers seeking advice and an ear to talk to. Remarkably understanding, many look to him as a sort of father or uncle figure, even as he trains them to fight and fulfill their duties. Although very strong and experienced with several weapons, he is best at healing wounds, making sure everyone is right as rain. He can often be found staring into space, though he gets plenty of sleep and altogether takes very good care of himself; perhaps there's just a lot on his mind, or he's just prone to daydreaming! In any case, this A-CLASS is experienced and reliable, the paragon of what an Angel should be.
AGE: 32
USERNAME: "ergo sum"
A brand new A CLASS Angel, Asmodel was recently promoted and given this position after serving as an E CLASS for about six years in the lower parts of the station, his exemplary behaviour and leadership abilities earning him the promotion. Asmodel is friendly and welcoming, especially to those much younger than him, but tends to be a bit more rough around the edges than someone like Raphael. You might get the sense from him that he's a bit stressed and has difficulty keeping himself together, and when he gets especially stressed, he gets needlessly verbose and overly descriptive to the point of almost sounding flat-out insane. He's fine, he was just an English major in college. Asmodel also has a curious condition with pneumatica where he is utterly unable to create pneumatica light-projected wings and was flightless as a result, so the station built him some mechanical wings that he uses instead. These metal appendages project light-wings for him, and are typically folded up under the jacket around his shoulders.
AGE: 28
HEIGHT: 5'11
USERNAME: "Community gardens"
Samyaza has been an A CLASS Angel for quite some time now- years ago, she climbed the ranks with the desire to help people. She does her best to be warm and welcoming to the Angels that work under her, especially for those that are incredibly new and not fully experienced to the life style. For the rest, she still maintains her friendly personality, but would not hesitate to pull someone in line should they do something questionable- they have a duty to fulfill here after all! It’s almost like she’s learned a few pointers from Raphael... personally, she doesn’t try to engage in most fights but when she does she is a threat to behold, preferring the use of an special axe she got from her cousin.
AGE: 19
USERNAME: "achlys"
Like a cat, Gabriel is usually staring down others silently or jolting their head around at random as if something suddenly called their name. They’re very quiet, and speaks in small sentences as short as one word. They’ve made it clear that, despite being an A CLASS and commanding lower Angels, Gabriel will never understand them as people. Even being as silent as they are, Gabriel is known for losing their cool when caught in the adrenaline in a fight. Something about the way their opponent falls injured can be so thrilling to them…
AGE: 20
HEIGHT: 5'10
USERNAME: "sachi!"
Sachiel is as friendly as he appears. His attitude is that of an older brother, caring for lower class Angels and teasing them ocassionally. He enjoys pranking and messing around with others, especially his superiors. However, he knows his limits and understands when to stop. Sachiel takes his job as an A CLASS Angel seriously, and makes sure to put his teams before himself to make sure they're safe. Sachiel enjoys working out a lot, and takes pride in the damage he can create using just his physical strength. He's always open for conversation and likes giving tips on how to stay healthy if one asks for it. Although Sachiel is powerful enough to be considered an S CLASS Angel, he prefers to stay in A CLASS.

B CLASS Angels are chosen for their remarkable discipline, strategic mind, and mental/emotional strength. B CLASSes are assigned to S CLASSes as support and to ensure that they don't get too out of hand. Most B CLASSes tend to be assigned to an S CLASS close to their own age to foster a sense of cameraderie, but this isn't always the case. Depending on the S CLASS's attitude, a B CLASS can sometimes request to have the S CLASS they're assigned to changed. B CLASS Angels typically have some form of healing magic or buff support to help out their assigned S CLASS. They also have jurisdiction over every CLASS below them, so they often have their hands full with management and various other forms of paperwork. They usually have one or two Ousias helping them out, and all of them are equipped with some kind of taser or stun baton for... reasons....
AGE: 19
USERNAME: "emmetropia"
Archal App here.
While he’s usually fairly polite and personable to most strangers, Ophaniel has a bit of a temper and while they're not the kind of person who would yell at you or get angry all the time, insulting them or undermining their authority (especially if they're just trying to help) is a surefire way to get a slew of insults thrown your way. Besides this, he's generally not very emotive and tends to be kind of deadpan. Despite this, when he’s with his friends his demeanour visibly shifts, becoming more emotive and excited, often smiling and cracking jokes that aren’t mildly teasing. At the same time, no matter whether he’s with his friends or alone, there’s always this mild tinge of smugness, either behind his smile or his flat expression.
Like all B-CLASS Angels, though, he’s able to put aside any of his emotions so that he can effectively follow orders, being loyal to Station Archal and wanting to be helpful in the war against the Tzara threat. He has remarkable leadership ability, and is shooting for A CLASS when he gets older... but he's been told he needs to get a better handle on his quick temper first. As a B CLASS, he's assigned to Sabriel. They're buddies, kind of.
AGE: 21
USERNAME: "Visage 💭"
Archal App here.
Always seen with a calm smile, Kushiel goes about life without a care in the world. Of course he's loyal to Archal, he wouldn't be here if he wasn't! He just doesn't want to remain vigilant as most others here- rather, he wants to find some fun in it. This became apparent since he's assigned to Seraphiel, and they get along very well- Kushiel has even picked up a few of Sera's personality traits, especially their love for the dramatics. Even so, Kushiel will help those in need- but otherwise he prefers to stay out of the way unless the situation absolutely demands it. He's got the spirit, at least!
AGE: 20
A peculiar member of the troupe of dramatic B-CLASS, Pahaliah is generally kind to everyone they encounter, if a bit of a people-pleaser. They tend to pick up projects where no one else will so that they'll get done, and they will put people behind them if they feel they need a voice to speak up for them; essentially, they consider themself to be a "voice" for people, not afraid to raise concerns or get work done, so long as it's not something that would be seen as wrong or sinful... They are devoutly religious and can often be seen praying over every little thing, though they are not as imposing as their S-CLASS, and consider everyone's belief systems to be the best for them. Regardless, they consider themself to be a voice of a choir of devout worshippers, and will often sing praises to their God. They're incredibly protective of their twin sibling Kokabiel and are a force to be reckoned with if you hurt them!
AGE: 20
USERNAME: "Patient is the night"
Kokabiel prides themself in their work and prowess. They’re friendly first and foremost when working with the station at large, and dwell deep in their literature off the clock; though sometimes it tends to meld together- when they aren’t on active duty they’re busy studying and learning new ways to prime their skills. However, for all their work and dedication, they are a bit oblivious at the same time. They mean well, but they're sometimes just far too busy to bother with most people! Most of the time you will see them with their S-CLASS, or their dearest sibling Pahaliah- both are completely inseparable.

C CLASS Angels are like the "guy in the chair trope". For those who apply and have middling to below average results in the physical section and in pneumatica resistance, but above average to very high results in the aptitude tests and strategizing sections, they are given the role of a C CLASS- to hang back on the station and quickly fire off directions and orders while the others are fighting. One or two C CLASSes are usually assigned to a team, though it's usually only one. A C CLASS is responsible for checking vitals, running diagnostics, and working with their team to form strategies and keep the whole team safe and unharmed. These individuals are often given lower amounts of pneumatica than the average Angel, as there's no need for them to fight or utilize pneumatica at all. A lot of younger C CLASSes will often transfer to another CLASS once they reach fifteen.
No C CLASSes so far...! I wonder if that'll change in the future.

D CLASS Angels are chosen for those who had high-to-decent pneumatica resistance but only decent results in the physical strength tests, or for those who have potential to become S CLASS but are under the age of fifteen. D CLASS Angels are known for being quick, speedy, and general "scouts", being trained to explore new worlds and environments as scouts and explorers. However, this is a primarily offense-based position as opposed to a defensive one, and Archal is primarily on the defense from the Tzara, so D CLASSes don't really have much to do. In a pinch, they can take charge and direct the team they're in if the A CLASS and C CLASS are incapacitated, but by and large they don't have very many responsibilities and either just screw around on the station or focus on their training.
AGE: 20
HEIGHT: 5'11
USERNAME: "hanchan"
Haniel is fairly laid back- not having much to do most of the time means that she’s probably the most chill out of all of the Angels there are. That’s not to say she’s sedentary- rather, she merely gets her exercise through playing and games, rather than rigorous training routines like the other Angels do. Lately, though, she’s been getting back into the swing of things, sparring occasionally. All in all, she tries her best to be courteous and polite most of the time, but her casual demeanor can occasionally come off as rude. She can either be interpreted as a wisecracking cool-guy, or an annoying smartass who doesn’t take things seriously enough. This is a point of contention between her and her superiors, and her relaxed attitude doesn’t earn her many points when it comes to interacting with authority figures. She’s also a bit of a party animal- since she’s so easily bored, it’s common for her to do anything to entertain herself… which can involve a lot of excitement for everyone else, good and bad. She can also undergo extremely high levels of mania if she gets too excited, getting far ahead of herself and becoming extremely impulsive and reckless. Haniel being a scout means that she prioritises speed and quick takedowns beyond all else- she’s trained to find weak spots and to strike them quickly and efficiently. Her fighting style is somewhat assassin-like in nature, and her weapons reflect that- she has a pneumatica based sniper rifle and multiple blades for quick takedowns.
AGE: 26
USERNAME: "(ᵔ・ᴥ・ᵔ)"
One of the more notably weak members of the Angel's D CLASS, Nithael often serves not on the field. You're more likely to find them off at their more pressing job—the tinkering and creation of new arms for the Station's Angel forces. They're more reserved than others, often keeping to a handful of other D CLASSes. Being probably one of the few Angels that can fix up weaponry fast... their encounters with the higher CLASSeshave made them more than content to remain within their own social circle. On the field, they're nothing remarkable, often staying off to the further ends to act as backup. More like the technical theatre kid of the Angels, if anything.
AGE: ???
HEIGHT: 5'111
USERNAME: "☆⌒(*^-゜)v"
One of the most... peculiar Angels on board, Tamiel is a D-CLASS with a penchant for mischief, though of a plain, mostly harmless sort. Their origins are mysterious, as they don't resemble.. well, a human, at all! If you ask them where they came from, though, they're liable to give you one of their many falsified stories in order to further propagate a mystery that they think is hilarious. Despite this mischievous nature of theirs, they're quite happy to help out when they're asked, and have tasked themselves with befriending just about every grumpy naysayer on Station Archal. Due to their unique circumstances, they aren't the most capable fighter, but they are able to utilize a pneumatica based crossbow to make quick work of enemies.

E CLASS Angels are the primary security detail, being less like soldiers and more like bouncers, bodyguards, security guards, et cetera. While they are rigorously trained the same as other Angels, they're usually all in large teams of only E CLASSes and stationed at specific areas or assigned to specific people (such as the two E CLASS Angel guards Malkhut usually has following her) and swap out shifts, being the closest thing to a typical "job" that an Angel might have. They tend to wear heavy armour and/or carry tasers on their person, similar to a B CLASS and their taser. You can often see E CLASSes patrolling the hallways or stationed in front of restricted areas, like private labs or engine rooms.
Boy, there's nobody here.

The most common type of Angel, F CLASS Angels are the basic infantry and first line of defense against the Tzara. They tend to be the ones released to attack first, or act as support for an S CLASS in battle. Teams of F CLASS Angels are between 7-10, alongside one or two C CLASSes, a handful of D CLASSes, and an A CLASS commandng them all. F CLASSes are considered the lowest in terms of authority, but most can decently hold their own in a fight and those who exhibit exemplary improvement can move up in the ranks and have their CLASS changed as they improve. Teams of F CLASS Angels tend to be extremely close-knit and it's encouraged to treat their team as a friend group, and those with better friendships tend to work together better. Because of this, most F CLASSes are put in teams that are closer in age (such as older F CLASSes being put in a team of more older F CLASSes, or an entire team of teenage F CLASSes working together) to encourage camaraderie and teamwork.
AGE: 23
PRONOUNS: THEY / HE / SHE / whatever
HEIGHT: 5'11
USERNAME: "penpen"
Penemue grew up in an oceanside village, growing to love the idea of fighting for something important. He, unfortunately, didn’t get very far in his tests, meaning he barely managed to become an F-CLASS Angel, but that’s good enough for him- for most of his life, he was used to failing and taking those failures in stride, so becoming an F-CLASS Angel was incredible already. Overall, Penemue is generally pleasant, if a bit airheaded. You get the sense that he doesn’t really understand or know completely what’s going on, but he tries to take everything in stride and is overall friendly and courteous. However, this obliviousness can mean that he’s a bit insensitive at times, forgetting important dates and doesn’t follow routine well without the help of his peers- still, though, he tries his best to be helpful. Their sense of humor tends to be strange at times- making jokes that only they seem to understand, but as long as they're happy, it's fine, right? ( Also, yes, those are cybernetic legs. )
AGE: ???
USERNAME: "Rasuil."
Perhaps one of the more outgoing of the Angels, Rasuil believes in the inherent good of everyone around her. She has a strong motivation to rise in rank to become an S CLASS Angel, as she dreams of being able to help everyone around her. Rasuil is an extremely strong combat-focused Angel, but is kept in lower classes due to her often naive nature. She's quick to assume for the best, and may be unknowingly blunt. Despite all her joy, Rasuil seems to be plagued with things even she doesn't understand. Headaches, odd dreams, and a feeling there's more to the people around her than she can seem to recall. She knows little about herself before she became an Angel, though that her life before she was saved by the Station was one unpleasant.
AGE: 17
USERNAME: "oceans beyond"
Eremiel is a gentle, caring person that takes great joy in her title as an Angel. She's very social and welcoming, seeing to it that everyone around her feels comfortable and happy. She's been working at Station Archal since 16. Even with her strange superiors, she does her best to treat them with the respect she believes they deserve. Eremiel absolutely adores animals, and spends a lot of her time visiting and caring for the Ouisias. If you need help with animals, she's your girl! Eremiel is always sure to get her responsibilities done, and serve her role as an Angel right.
AGE: 16
PRONOUNS: Wouldn't you like to know.
USERNAME: "yofi"
Yofiel is... interesting, to say the least. They're generally friendly and have a personable disposition, but they have an extremely intense mischievous streak that leads to them constantly pulling pranks on others. They also haaaate school and doing homework, often going through so much effort to avoid it that they put in more effort than if they had just done their homework in the first place! Their typing and speaking style is typically ended by some variation of the word "pyuru", such as "pyu", "pyururun", "puyu", "pyuyu", etc etc etc, though it's not known if this is a genuine verbal tic or just a quirk that they intentionally chose. Despite their diminuitive stature, they're remarkably strong, able to heft around their massive claymore with relative ease, and can work well in their F CLASS group despite their mischievous personality. Overall, they're a good friend to have, if you can put up with their epic pranks. They're besties with Chamuel, calling them "Chamuchamu" as an affectionate nickname.
AGE: 16
USERNAME: "aggregate consequence"
Chamuel is a young Angel working her way through both an education and the Angel program, aspiring to be a high-ranking CLASS like the people she fancies her heroes, but to all who know her, you would never realize the true depth of her determination.. most of the time. She appears somewhat deadpan and closed off, though it's not to say she's not kind- just not the most sociable. Often it seems as though she's lost in her own thoughts, but just as often, she's hard at work finishing her homework or planning out her outfits in advance, as any fashion-conscious teenager would. She can spin her twin-bladed axe almost effortlessly, but she'd much rather be killing time with her bestie Yofiel, Yofi, Yo-yo.
AGE: 16
USERNAME: "Armmy <3"
When Armaros first joined the Angel program, her anxiety and concerns often won over any decision or choice she would be faced with- though, over time, she’s improved, now being able to stand more for herself on her own and enjoy the company of her friends and other Angels who share the same rank. While she has considered moving up to C Class, she feels it wouldn’t be the same without them like this, so she’s quite content in this spot. She’ll only move up if the others decide to do the same, focusing on school and the much simpler things rather than the great future.

This section is for the various employees stationed on Archal who aren't Angels. This ranges from Angel intructors, to scientists, to financial directors, to graphic artists, to a whole slew of other positions that can be found on the station.
AGE: 23
Overworked, overtired, and way too enthusiastic to do more than she should. As the Director of Station Archal's labs and hospital department, this woman has not only bit off more than she can chew, but has managed to still keep working on. She cares deeply for the Station's visitors, and goes out of her way to help where she can. Maria has her qualms with the Sefirot for only assigning her more work to oversee when it comes to the Angel medical procedures, but still works quietly through it all. She's extremely stubborn when it comes to not taking a break, much to the concern of everyone around her. But, for all she knows, there's work to be done, and a role to be filled.
AGE: 34
USERNAME: "Polaris_System"
Cassiel is one of the station’s engineers and a man of many talents. He’s always busy working and coming up with new ideas, or working on some kind of repair or weapons- really, it depends on the day. He was an Angel before this, but had stepped down after realizing the life just wasn’t suited for him. Fortunately, though he’s content with where he is now, and occasionally ends up as a father figure around the younger people on the station.
AGE: 24
HEIGHT: 5'10
USERNAME: "astraven"
A scientist who works specifically in weapons development, Noel is typically found holed up in his office and avoiding his peers. He tends to come off as arrogant and like he thinks he's smarter than everyone around him, and, well... it's not like he's not incredibly smart, he's just a bit of an ass about it. However, past this arrogant mask is someone who isn't really sure how to talk to others or relate to them due to being isolated for most of his life (he's always been quite sickly and unable to be around others very often as a result as a child) so he instead defensively closes himself on purpose instead to avoid being rejected against his will.
AGE: 40
USERNAME: "Bastion"
Sirius is one of the many instructors for the Angels, tasked with training the higher ranks- thereby expecting just about anything. He’s always hearty and boisterous with his actions, making sure people can live their fullest lives on the Station and making extra sure he is a recognizable, welcome figure. Even though his training is particular, he doesn't mind helping out the lower ranks as well- he just hopes they’re prepared for such a thing.
AGE: 25
USERNAME: "ameliaaah"
Dr. Orchestra is a scientist who is the head of the Pneumatica Testing Department- she's new to her position, so she's a little bit green, but she's doing her best and overall is a good doctor! She's very smart and quick thinking, if a bit easily flustered, and finds herself hard at work every day making sure everyone's pneumatica levels are safe and nobody's getting sick or having allergic reactions.
AGE: 27
HEIGHT: 5'10, but wears wedges, which makes him 5'11.
Roman is a finance director in E WING and he plays an important part in managing the part of Archal that’s a company, not the military part. He manages a lot of where Archal's capital flows, and is extremely intelligent and careful... and has two cardinal flaws- trust fund kid and business major. He tries his best to not be obnoxious, but he's gonna come off kind of out of touch sometimes. Good thing he's got some people in finance who's job is to reign him back if his ideas are too goddamn stupid. People have been theorizing he's taken his bodyguard as a lover, but surely that's just a rumor, right?
AGE: 28
A mysterious man and contract worker at Archal, it's not really clear what he does but whatever it is involves a lot of back-and-forth between Archal and Chorion. He's spends a lot of his time in transit, so it's difficult to catch him in person unless you know his schedule... which isn't something he gives out liberally. If you want to meet him, you'll have to be extraordinarily lucky or be one of the people he's slated to meet with. He's kind and personable, but there's something about him that's a bit, uh... obtuse?

These are for characters that aren't necessarily considered part of Archal ( or aren't considered a traditional "employee" ) but are part of this world anyways.
AGE: Adult
PRONOUNS: Whatever you want baby
HEIGHT: Whatever you want baby
WRITTEN BY: All mods
ATAMON EVE is a character developed by the marketing team on Station Archal as a mascot to promote applications to the Angel program.Atamon is as much a fictional character in their world as they are in ours. They were created to be accessible and appealing, and while rudimentary artificial intelligence programs were created for them, they are by no means sapient and do not have conscious thought.The creators of Atamon wanted a character that was appealing to the young adult demographic while still being understandable to older groups, so they created two versions of Atamon named “Atakkun” and “Eve-chan”. Both are still Atamon, just in different forms.They are written to be an A CLASS Angel with an Ousia friend named Apple, who resembles a sheep.
AGE: ???
HEIGHT: 21'5
USERNAME: N/A, doesn't use chat
Presumably built in Archal, Archangel- affectionately referred to as "Arkky"- is seemingly the first sapient machine on Claudin, having conscious thought and emotions. Arkky is a mysterious but friendly presence- looming over others, but still cute and polite regardless. He has a significant amount of gap moe in this regard- if you look at him at a distance, he's absolutely terrifying, but if you get closer to him in any capacity you'll immediately realize he's just a big softy who likes to help people out whenever he can, be it viciously fighting off Tzara, or delicately lifting someone to help them reach a high shelf.Their powers are second to none- they're a sapient mech, after all, so they're capable of multiple incredible feats, including Herculean strength and the ability to tear through sheets of metal as if it were tissue paper. They can tear through Tzara easily- the only issue is that they're so big they can be kind of unwieldy, and they're a primarily pneumatica-based lifeform- meaning if a group of Tzara jumped them, they'd be totally screwed.
AGE: ???
HEIGHT: 40'3
USERNAME: N/A, doesn't use chat
VA: ZephyrKidVA
One of the weapons Archal lost control of a while ago, Principality refers to himself as "GODMACHINE Principality", so the term GODMACHINE likely refers to mecha like him. According to Keter, Principality previously went berserk and forcibly conquered the dimension he was sent to as a result of the Sundown experiment. Initially presenting himself as haughty, arrogant, and horrifically oppressive, Principality established his goals to become a king, and generally acted like a violent despot. However, the coding variable that made him behave like this was changed, and he's returned to normal. You definitely couldn't refer to him as "nice" now, but he's been... domesticated, somewhat, and his arrogance and haughtiness is now more or less just kind of annoying at the worst. Unlike Archangel, Principality has the unique ability to exhibit control over different pieces of tech, having remarkable hacking ability, even with entirely foreign tech he has no way of being familiar with.
AGE: 220
USERNAME: "Vanta."
An alien of mysterious origin, if only for the fact he absolutely refuses to explain anything about where he came from. Luckily, this isn’t a huge issue when he’s all bark and no bite- most people around the station know about him and consider him a simple nuisance, which is just fine with him. Cassiel keeps a close eye on him over everyone else, eeeeeven if they bicker quite a bit.
Angel cake
AGE: ???
USERNAME: N/A, doesn't use chat
A mysterious Ousia who first appeared during the altercation with GODMACHINE Principality, Angel Cake is sweet, kind, and helpful, but is definitely much different than the other Ousias around them. They were mentioned offhandedly several months ago, and it seems like they might be some kind of leader to the other Ousias on the station, or at the very least an important figure- they definitely seem to be much more powerful than the others.

Claudin is a planet not too different from our own planet Earth, save for the presence of pneumatica and various other cultural and biological differences. It's fairly close to Earth, though, so don't think too much about the finer details.The main thing you should focus on is the biggest city that it has- Chorion.
MINIMUM WAGE: 1600 cells
MAJOR IMPORTS: Petroleum gas, cars, delivery trucks
MAJOR EXPORTS: Pharmaceuticals, pneumatica, computers + other forms of tech, aircraft

The currency system of Chorion is “cells”, which functions the same as the standard decimal, just with the removal of decimals. $20.50 USD is 2050 cells.Due to it's access to a very high strain of pneumatica found in the earth, one of Chorion's biggest exports is electricity- pneumatica. There are two major companies that have a monopoly on pneumatica exports, OVERSEE-R Electric Company and Glutamate Inc. These companies are primarily pneumatica-based, but also are oil companies that sell petroleum fuel. OVERSEE-R also develops tech like computers, phones, household appliances, etc. Glutamate is a major producer of modern cleaning solutions, pesticides, and GMO-based foods.
Chorion is a city located on the planet of Claudin. Boasting a population of 15.3 million, it's one of the largest cities in the world and the hub for pneumatica and technology research.Chorion is bustling and open, and strongly inspired by cyberpunk cities such as Midgar. However, unlike Midgar, which is heavily old dieselpunk, Chorion is far more sleek and futuristic.There are slums to Chorion, and the system of capitalism is just as harmful as it is with real-life cities. Rich people tend to live in their own districts or far above others in penthouses, and there is a complicated black market system going on in the city's underbelly.
Chorion is famous, not only for being the biggest city in the world, but for being the city directly under Station Archal. The station is easily seen in the sky due to it's magnitude, and consistently stays directly above it.
Pneumatica is the source of all energy in this universe. Like carbon, it is in the body of every being in the world, however the amount of pneumatica in someone’s body varies. A human has an average amount of pneumatica, making up at least 5% of one's body. A Chorale (or, scientifically known as an Ousia) is actually 75% pneumatica.Pneumatica can be used to power electronics and machines, and has been used to power Chorion, Station Archal, and millions of cities, towns, and villages all across Claudin. You use pneumatica every day, whenever you use your computer, do your laundry, or even turn on a light.
Luminous bluish green
Exact pigment depends on exposure to oxygen, growing more blue as it's exposed to the air for several hours
Found everywhere, but especially in our planet and in living beings

It can be condensed into a gas or even a fluid, but pure pneumatica in liquid form can be incredibly harmful to someone’s body if they are exposed recklessly, leading to changes in brain chemistry and hormone issues. Pure unfiltered pneumatica exposure can cause a multitude of negative effects, such as seizures and severe endocrine imbalances.In low condensed amounts, however, pneumatica can be used in any number of ways, including elemental attacks and even healing. Angels are exposed to safe amounts of pneumatica through a strictly-monitored health-administration-approved process to make sure they are powerful enough to effectively combat Tzara extraterrestrials.If you come across an unattended pneumatica spring, do not attempt to take any of it for yourself. It's a wonderful part of our world, but pure pneumatica is still a very dangerous chemical that's only handled by professionals.
NOTE: This page may be viewed IC.

On Claudin, the colloquial term for an Ousia is "Chorale". This is basically the same thing as if everyone on Earth suddenly started referring to cats as "meow meows" and that was just an accepted part of our language or something.Ousias primarily live up on Archal, though they can be rarely found in secret areas on Claudin, like seeing a fairy or an ultra-rare bird. All Ousias are named according to a specific naming convention:
Colours ( Pink, Chartreuse, Baby Blue, etc )
Cold desserts / drinks ( Ice Cream, Lemonade, etc )
Regular desserts ( Candy, Macaron, Birthday Cake, etc )
Flowers ( Carnation, Forget-Me-Not, Daisy, etc )
Music genres ( Jazz, Hyperpop, Farm Emo, etc )
Inexplicably, weapons ( Knife, Mace, Sword, etc )

Ousia (pronounced oo-SEE-ya) is the scientific term used to describe a species of alien creature that made contact with humans around thirteen years ago. They're very small, ranging from the biggest one being 2' and the smallest being 5". They resemble stuffed animal toys of varying shapes and forms- one resembles a small hamster plush, one resembles a pink unicorn plush, etc etc etc forever. Besides the whole "sapient plushy" thing, their other unifying trait is the presence of a small halo and two small wings located on their body. They tend to hover above the ground rather than walk in order to be eye-level with others.
Somewhat childlike
Just imagine Hello Kitty characters and their personality types and you're good, honestly

Ousias are most commonly found in SECTION H, an offshoot area of the station designed to resemble a beautiful garden to make sure the Ousias are all comfortable. This area is typically off-limits to most employees and Angels ( as well as Sundown visitors ) but you can request access ( and will usually be granted it ).How do Ousias reproduce? It takes a village! A bunch of different ousias will help contribute attributes to a big ball of pneumatica, and the last ousia to contribute will give the gift of life, which produces a brand new ousia. The more Ousias contribute, the less pneumatica it will take from each of them- kind of like a group of people pooling their money to pay for a dinner.
Appearing thirty years ago, the Tzara are alien creatures who are completely mindless but with a starving hunger for pneumatica unmatched by any other creature in the galaxy ( and maybe even the universe ). Fully grown Tzara creatures are massive, towering above others with legs that grant them between six to twenty feet worth of height, the length of the Tzara's body varying according to their height. For example, a twenty foot tall Tzara would be ~thirty five feet long approximately, but a six foot tall Tzara would be around ten feet long. It depends- they're big, is what's important to note.Any attempts at communication or contact with the Tzara, as well as attempting to trap and tame them has utterly failed, always ending in disappointment at best and horrific tragedy at worst. They appear to be entirely mindless, dangerous creatures- at first, they were almost considered autonomous, virus-like creatures, due to how relentless they were, but it was later discovered that they are capable of getting pissed off if you hurt them enough.The current leading theory is that while they are capable of sentience ( definitely not sapience, mind you ) they have far, far less intelligence than that of the average Claudin animal ( re: "Earth" animal ) and their instinctual drive to consume pneumatica supersedes any other urge it might feel. Unfortunately, it seems like no form of peacemaking is possible and the only thing that Claudin can do is destroy the Tzara as they appear.A Tzara's limbs are capable of stabbing through sheets of solid metal, meaning that it can easily cut through any human with relative ease. It posesses some form of gland in it's mouth allowing it to form a sort of plasma beam, which usually isn't completely fatal if you're hit, but can be wildly harmful and could potentially be fatal if it strikes a vital spot of your body.
The word "Tzara" is derived from the Hebrew word for "skin disease" ( Tzaraat, or צרעת ) , referring typically to leprosy.
The presumed juvenile form of a Tzara is known as a Tzara'ath, which can be read about below:

Tzara range in colour, the colours matching up to their strongest traits. Tzara with a reddish-pink colour are more physically strong, but not quite as fast- these Tzara tend to be much larger than the others, and have more muscle and bulk. Blue Tzara seem to prioritize speed, and are usually smaller with more sleek and sharp edges to help with aerodynamic. Purple Tzara are more in the middle, with no prioritizing of either trait, and are the "average" Tzara form. Other forms of Tzara are theorized to exist beyond this, but records are limited.Tzara appear to be entirely genderless, or at the very least with no forms of sexual dimorphism. Despite their highly insectoid appearance, they are warmblooded creatures, though it's unsure if they could be considered mammalian or not. The planetary origin of these creatures, how exactly they reproduce, and how they found Claudin specifically is unknown, however it can be surmised that Claudin has an excessively high pneumatica concentration in comparison to other planets nearby, drawing the hunger of these creatures.While it is not immediately obvious, the Tzara possess a hairless, elastic skin stretching from the edge of the forelimb to the tip of it's appendage, which biologically is similar to it's "finger". This limb may stretch out so that it resembles the wings of a bat, allowing it flight and gliding abilities. As a whole, Tzara are rather nimble, and extremely physically threatening, seemingly being able to function in space without the need for oxygen, despite being warmblooded creatures.The full extent of a Tzara's powers are unknown, but what is known is that they are extremely dangerous threats that of which must be treated with utmost caution and high defensive measures.
Length: 4.5 – 5 cm
Mass: 20 – 25 g
Tzara'ath appear initially as very small and harmless creatures, typically the size of an adult Roborovski dwarf hamster. The initial state of a Tzara'ath is known as it's docility stage, in which it will act very similarly to a hamster, burrowing into soft and pliable materials such as soil or bedding and being nocturnal unless disturbed. Unlike a hamster, however, even a Tzara'ath seeing a human for the first time will show absolutely no fear, being extremely curious and inquisitive, easily crawling up and around the new creature ( be it human or animal ) to get a clear understanding.Similarly to Roborovski dwarf hamsters, Tzara'ath can be safely kept contained in groups, and in fact will infest areas in large numbers if let free. They tend to infest dark, small spaces like vents, cupboards, and storage containers.
These creatures were named "Tzara'ath" at first due to the assumption that they were minion-like summons of the Tzara, but it was quickly discovered that the Tzara'ath are possibly the Tzara's young. It has not been discovered how exactly the Tzara produce Tzara'ath, due to no records of a Tzara producing a Tzara'ath have ever been found. The only current theory is that Tzara are capable of asexual reproduction, releasing excess energy from it's body that produce new Tzara'ath creature once it has consumed enough pneumatica.The other theory behind the Tzara'ath and their reproduction involves the theory that the Tzara'ath are the original creatures, and the Tzara are simply "ascended" or "special" versions of them. This theory stems from two important facts: if enough Tzara'ath appear in an area with high pneumatica concentration, the Tzara'ath will fuse together into a fully grown Tzara creature. It can be assumed that either all of the Tzara'ath are extremely unified in their thoughts, or this fusion process turns all of the involved Tzara'ath into a single unified mind. This process has never been undone in our records.The other fact supporting this theory is that while Tzara have never been seen producing Tzara'ath, Tzara'ath have been recorded to produce more Tzara'ath via a form of asexual mitosis. If a Tzara'ath is in a wide open space, it will endlessly produce more of itself until the space is filled enough, which is theorized to be why it will spend most of it's time in enclosed spaces. It is unknown if this form of reproduction is painful or not.

A Tzara'ath in it's "ravenous stage."
Tzara'ath are considered exotic animals and keeping one in your home requires a license from your country's government, as well as approval from Archal itself. Licensing requests are typically denied unless you are a scientist, as keeping one as a pet is wildly irresponsible since there's so little that's truly understood about these creatures.
A conservation officer or constable may seize a controlled alien species if the person in possession of the animal:
Does not have a possession permit,
Contravenes any condition of their permit, or
Contravenes any aspect of the Controlled Alien Species Regulation
The penalties for possession without a permit for a first-time offender are one of the following:
Fines up to a maximum of 10,000,000 cells
A term of imprisonment of one year
Both a fine and a sentence

A Tzara'ath in it's "docility stage."
A Tzara'ath will exit the docility stage and enter what is referred to as the ravenous stage when one of three things happens:
It smells the chemical trans-4, 5-epoxy-(E)-2-decenal (or E2D for short) found in blood
It senses a nearby source of pneumatica higher than 5% in the air within 10 meters
It is insufficiently fed
During the ravenous stage, a Tzara'ath will abandon any hamster-like behavour it exhibited in it's docility stage, and many segments on it's body will expant to almost completely change it's appearance. Many of these physical attributes are hidden in it's docility stage under folding pockets and carapace-like segements, along with concealing it beneath any body fat it possesses.In this state, a Tzara'ath will become excessively hungry, latching onto any form of food it can smell- or, in some scenarios, even chewing on inedible materials such as fabric, plastic, or metal, but this is very rare. Tzara'ath will not attempt to eat or attack each other, but will band together to consume any living creature as fast as possible, having rows and rows of sharp teeth capable of cutting into bone.Not all is lost, however. Tzara and Tzara'ath all possess very low intelligence, prioritizing ravenous instinct over any sense of survival or teamwork, so to use a colloquialism, Tzara'ath are kinda stupid. The biggest problem that Tzara'ath pose are their sheer numbers and the possibility of them becoming a full Tzara, but an individual Tzara'ath is easily dealt with.
Tzara'ath are crucial components of understanding how to defeat the Tzara efficiently. Due to their small size and initial docility, containing a Tzara'ath is incredibly simple. In terms of biological makeup, they are very similar to a Tzara, just with less of a constant instinctual drive to consume, so they are kept in the station in a safe enclosure so that they may be studied and further understood. There are multiple of these enclosures, about 5 square feet ( resembling an Ikea DETOLF ) with strict guidelines to removing them for study, as well as feeding, medical care, and cleaning the enclosures once a month.If a Tzara'ath appears to infest someone's living space, the recommended prodecure by Archal is to contact an Archal employment office or the number for pest control in their area to bring an Angel Tzara'ath control unit sent to their house. While they wait, one should not pick up the Tzara'ath with their bare hands, but use tongs or thick gloves to lift up the Tzara'ath and place them in a plastic container or cardboard box to keep them from excessively reproducing, as well as placing a lid or blanket over the box to prevent them from wanting to escape. Ensuring airholes in the box is unnecessary, as they do not appear to require oxygen despite being a warmblooded creature.
National conservation officers and constables of the Claudin Conservation Officer Service have the authority to seize or destroy controlled alien species. Typically, this would occur where there are strong reasons to do so, such as cases where the animal presents an immediate threat to the health or safety of a person.
The penalties associated with breeding or releasing for a first-time offender are one of the following:
Fines ranging from 250,000 cells to a maximum of 25,000,000 cells
A term of imprisonment not exceeding two years
Both a fine and a sentence
This server was initially conceived a week before New Years (in 2022) by Delta ( @peachdelta ). The idea was quickly written down, dumping a multitude of lore into a Google Doc late at night during a flash of intense inspiration.
They spent the next week refining the idea before finally coming forward and presenting it to the other moderators, officially opening the server for roleplay on January 6th, 2022.
Hello! I’m Delta, and I’m one of the administrators on Station Archal!I use they/him pronouns. I love RPGs, and you can definitely pick out my inspiration from this server from games like Xenoblade 1 and 2, as well as Final Fantasy 7. I also love the Pokemon series and the Persona series, as well as various indie games such as 2064: Read Only Memories, the Hylics series, and games made by Kitty Horrorshow.I got my start roleplaying on Miiverse forums in 2014, before later moving on to writing on Tumblr in 2016. I have years worth of RP experience, as well as prior mod experience in both managing and helping to manage several different MFRP servers, and I want to do my best to make this an enjoyable and fun experience for everyone!
Hey! I’m Spades! I’ll be one of your moderators this evening.I’m going to be 21 a couple months from now and I use he/him. Don’t have too much to say except my interests change incredibly quickly and sci-fi falls under this. So this sort of setting is one of my favorites. I believe I started RPing back in 2013 with some friends and had a rocky time up until 2018 when I joined Discord for RP purposes. Now it’s a huge hobby of mine. I’ll do my best here!
Hello! I’m Logan, one of your Archal moderators. I’m a few months away from 19, and have no preference for pronouns, but am used to she/her. I’ve been been roleplaying for roughly 8-9 years, from Google+ to Tumblr to Discord, and I hope to write intriguing stories full of depth and character with you all.
Hello! I'm Niko (or Oz), and I am part of the Archal mod staff! I've been participating in roleplay for over 7 years now, and have been writing even longer. I love telling unique stories with my characters and to create ones that you guys will love. I hope to help create a fun experience for you all!
ฅ( ̳͒ᵕ ˑ ᵕ ̳͒)ฅpronouns: he/him preferred
Hello!! My name is Freya and I know the entire timeline of The Walten Files both in episode order and chronological order off the top of my head :,)I'm an 18 year old agender lesbian, and i use he/they pronouns. My special interests include Kingdom Hearts, Vocaloid, and The Walten Files! I'm also hyperfixating on Final Fantasy games (7, 8, 13, 15). I've got a ton of other interests like TWeWY, Houseki no Kuni, Cytus II, Undertale/Deltarune, ETC ETC, and I've got a huge general interest in psychological horror. Feel free to ask me and talk to me about them!I've been roleplaying for several years of my life, even IRL with my siblings! I started online on Roblox/Google+/Deviantart, and now I'm here. I'm excited to get to know everyone here and write with you all!
I wake from the cold sweat
How could I forget?
I've seen this all before
The red lights are spinning now
Round and round as I hit the groundWarnings of pure dread
Heard on the overhead
In a monotonic tone
There are men and women trapped in that room
Flames scorching them but they'll be out soonOh, it's such a shame
Of all the things to go wrong while out in spaceFire fire, burns much brighter
When oxygen is the supplier
And fire fire is killing their desire
To not be cold as they expire
Ah, “I stumble again and again,”
It’s cold, it’s cold, it’s cold, it’s cold, it’s cold,
It’s cold, it’s cold, it’s cold, it’s cold, it’s cold,
It’s cold, it’s cold, it’s cold, it’s cold
don’t lead me onAh, your voice is so
Far away, far away, far away, far away, far away,
Far away, far away, far away, far away, far away,
Far away, far away, far away, far away
When I was 16, my senses fooled me
Thought gasoline was on my clothes
I knew that something would always rule me
I knew the scent was mine aloneAll you have is your fire
And the place you need to reach
Don't you ever tame your demons
But always keep 'em on a leashWhen I was a man I thought it ended
When I knew love's perfect ache
But my peace has always depended
On all the ashes in my wakeAll you have is your fire
And the place you need to reach
Don't you ever tame your demons
But always keep 'em on a leash
Poorly held together condolences
Drowning out the northern lights,
Pay more for old adviceOpen-eyed, entangled in promises,
Buried under dying homes,
Hands tied in golden thornsI'm defined by guesswork analogies
Documenting daily life,
Tell me I'll be alrightOpen-eyed, entangled in absentees
Stories of a child's past,
Autopsied broken glassMy aura shines at last
Half the city sound asleep and safe inside their beds
Get lost inside my thoughts and nearly tear his face to shreds
Blood pooling on the canvas as the atmosphere gets hushed
Bring your heroes to the wolf's den, watch them all get crushed
Get told to maybe dial it back backstage later on
Everyone still in this building right now: dead before the dawn
Nameless bodies in unremembered rooms
The pure at heart go putrid when the wolfbane blooms